Gameplay Demo

I said I’d have gameplay to show by the end of May, so I’m posting this week’s blog entry a day early. Here’s a vertical slice of my game. A special thank you to my good friend Mark “Marowi” Wilson, who generously contributed all the audio for this demo. I’ll dissect it with you eventually, maybe even in next week’s post, but for now I’d rather leave it here without comment. An important note, as the last demo, this will only work on a computer; no tablet, phone, console, or holodeck support. I hope you enjoy it!

  • Download the Mac version HERE
  • Download the Windows version HERE
  • Download either version on the page!

I’d love to hear any feedback or questions. Feel free to leave a comment on this post, find me on social media, or send me an email.








5 responses to “Gameplay Demo”

  1. Julian Avatar

    Beautiful front end. Smooth, elegant transitions. Mood-setting music and sound effects. Gorgeous stylization and clean artwork. Efficient writing. Not the most immediately engaging subject matter (more dragons needed obviously). Overall: Impressed.

  2. Jason Avatar

    Looking great so far Ben! I’m digging the art style.

  3. Roxana Avatar

    Intriguing and enjoyable. Can not wait to see more of it! However, I do have to subscribe to Julian’s comment regarding the momentum of getting engaged in the game.
    Congratulations for reaching the milestone and for your efforts in getting such an awesome work done!

  4. […] week I let out a deep breath. Though I’ve been hard at work since October, the oldest asset in that […]

  5. Christian Avatar

    I have heard you were making this a while ago and was looking forward to it. I liked the concept and the art and I am glad to see it come along. Keep it up, can’t wait for it to become finished!