The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood | And sorry I could not travel both | And be one traveler, long I stood | And looked down one as far as I could | To where it bent in the undergrowth

I’m a week away from leaving San Francisco, so now’s a good a time as any to break down our next year together. Here’s what’s going to happen:

Before any Asian shenanigans, the first order of business is getting back to Toronto. I’m forgoing the traditional airplane and instead opting for a meandering road trip across the American south. Me and a friend are going all Che Guevara and traveling our continent. Let’s hope we don’t start any revolutions.

This means the next few weeks of blog posts will likely focus on travel and little on game development. But I’ll quench that thirst the following month while I’m in Toronto. For most of October, I’ll have nothing to do but wrack my brain for game ideas. Will I even survive that step?

Assuming I do, I have a flight booked for Thailand on 19 October, meeting the girlfriend in Bangkok the next day. This is the beginning of our Asian Adventure. We’ll be staying three months in each location: first Thailand (in Chiang Mai), then Vietnam, Malaysia, and an undecided fourth country (Indonesia? Phillipines? Taiwan? Korea? which place has better BBQ?) for a total of a year abroad.

I’m going to try a combination of sight-seeing and making games, though my primary goal is to release a full game through Steam Greenlight by the end of this trip, so I can’t get too distracted by the pretty ladyboys. I’ll be developing alone, which is honestly terrifying, but we’ll see how it works out.

The idea is that I’ll blog all of this weekly.  I’m fully aware most indie devs fail miserably, and while I’m hoping to avoid many easy pitfalls, the likelihood is a spectacular burning car crash by the end of the year –but at least that’s fun to read about! Success or failure, I’m hoping to log, with brutal honesty, what goes right, what goes wrong, and the challenges of both making a game and working while traveling.

And maybe. Just maybe. This might all work out.

I’m holding one lottery ticket and hoping for the jackpot. But somebody’s gotta win, right? Dream with me?

I shall be telling this with a sigh | Somewhere ages and ages hence: | Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— | I took the one less traveled by, | And that has made all the difference.

Quotes from The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost (the best fucking poem in the world)



