Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Spit and Polish

    Spit and Polish

    It’s been a week since A Case of Distrust entered “Content Lock”. Like every milestone, that phrase has a different meaning to each developer. For me, it means my game is shippable. I’ve given it enough love to release tomorrow — and if it did, I’d be proud of it. Yes, it also means you’re close to playing it. (Excuse my massive exhale.) More on the…

  • DreamHack Denver

    DreamHack Denver

    While setting up for DreamHack, a Serenity Forge intern died… And then others joined in the fun! Thanks for coming out! This was the last show of the calendar year, now time to focus on finishing of this damned thing.  

  • small Updates

    small Updates

    Small Update 1 – IndieCade A Case of Distrust was selected for IndieCade 2017 in the Documents section. The festival was hosted by the Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo, LA. My experience was incredible! Each creator showed an innovative or evocative piece, and most attendees were developers themselves who asked thought-provoking questions. The lunch conversations, the drinking exchanges, the informal meetings —…

  • PAX West

    PAX West

    PAX West. Ow. My exhaustion is only now waning, two weeks after the final day of that massive show. The wall of humans chronically surrounding the Indie MEGABOOTH transcended any other convention I’ve seen, as an attendee or presenter. If you came around the booth, you may have found my voice rough and strident, or my words slurred, or that I was nearly unconscious. And…

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